Notice of Important Rights
This communication is from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
Unless you notify this office within 30 days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of this debt or any portion thereof, this office will assume this debt is valid. If you notify this office in writing within 30 days from receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of this debt or any portion thereof, this office will obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of a judgment and mail you a copy of such judgment or verification. If you request this office in writing within 30 days after receiving this notice this office will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor.
The disclosures below are provided for residents of the states or jurisdictions listed. The fact that your state or jurisdiction may not be listed does not mean that you do not have similar protections in your state or jurisdiction.
If you live in California: Cascade Receivables Management LLC is licensed by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation with License # 10469-99.
The state Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act require that, except under unusual circumstances, collectors may not contact you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. They may not harass you by using threats of violence or arrest or by using obscene language. Collectors may not use false or misleading statements or call you at work if they know or have reason to know that you may not receive personal calls at work. For the most part, collectors may not tell another person, other than your attorney or spouse, about your debt. Collectors may contact another person to confirm your location or to enforce a judgment. For more information about debt collection activities, you may contact the Federal Trade Commission at 1 877-FTC-HELP or www.ftc.gov.
Medical Accounts Only: Non-Profit Credit Counseling Services may be available in your area.
You may request records showing the following: (1) that the current creditor has the right to seek collection of the debt; (2) the debt balance, including an explanation of any interest charges and additional fees; (3) the date of default or the date of the last payment; (4) the name of the charge-off creditor and the account number associated with the debt; (5) the name and last known address of the debtor as it appeared in the charge-off creditor’s or debt buyer’s records prior to the sale of the debt, as appropriate; and (6) the names of all persons or entities that have purchased the debt. You may also request from us a copy of the contract or other document evidencing your agreement to the debt. A request for these records may be addressed to: 4636 E University Drive, Suite 110, Phoenix, AZ 85034.
The California Consumer Privacy Act requires that we inform you that we collect the following categories of personal information from consumers for the purpose of servicing accounts and collecting debts: 1) Personal Identifiers; 2) Categories of Information described in Section 1798.80(e) of the California Civil Code; 3) Professional or employment related information; and 4) Other information about you that is linked to the personal information in 1,2 or 3 above. For more information or to access this notice in a different format, please see our Privacy Policy at https://cascadehelps.com/ccpa
A consumer has the right to request in writing that a debt collector or collection agency cease further communication with the consumer. A written request to cease communication will not prohibit the debt collector or collection agency from taking any other action authorized by law to collect the debt.
Our local office is located at: 7200 S Alton Way, Suite B180, Centennial, CO 80112. License number 992615.
If you live in Maine: If you have an issue about the way we are collecting your debt, contact the Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection at 35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333, 207-624-8527. License number DCL14555.
If you live in Massachusetts: You have the right to make a written or oral request that telephone calls regarding your debt not be made to you at your place of employment. Any such oral request will be valid for only ten days unless you provide written confirmation of the request postmarked or delivered within seven days of such request. You may terminate this request by writing to the debt collector.
If you live in Minnesota: This collection agency is licensed by the Minnesota Department of Commerce.
Medical Accounts Only: If you feel that your concerns have not been addressed, please contact our Compliance Department at (866) 477-9018 and allow us the opportunity to try and address your concerns, or you have the option to address any concerns with the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office which can be reached at (651) 296-3353 or (800) 657-3787. You have the right to hire your own attorney to represent you in this matter.
Pursuant to MS §332.365
There are resources available to help manage your debt. The following Minnesota organizations offer
debt and credit counseling services. The Department of Commerce does not control or guarantee any of
the services provided by these organizations. The provision of this list is not a referral to, or endorsement
or recommendation of, any organization or the organization’s services.
Waxa jira agab iyo dukumeentiyo u diyaar ah inay kaa caawiyaan maareynta dayntaada. Hay’adaha
Minnesota ee soo socda ayaa bixiya adeegyada la talinta daynta. Waaxda Ganacsigu ma dammaanad
qaado mana kaantaroosho adeegyada ay hay’adahani bixiyaan midkoodna. In liiskan lagu siiyay lama
macno aha in laguu gudbiyay, lagugula taliyay ama laguu soo jeediyay, ururan midkoodna ama adeegyada
Muaj cov peev txheej uas yuav los pab tswj koj cov nuj nqi. Cov koom haum hauv Minnesota nram qab
no muaj cov kev pab cuam tawm tswv yim txog kev qiv nyiaj thiab nuj nqi. Lub Tuam Tsev Hauj Lwm ntsig
txog Kev Lag Luam uas tsis muaj kev tswj los sis lav ib qho ntawm cov kev pab cuam uas muab los ntawm
cov koom haum no. Qhov kev muab cov ntawv teev no tsis yog xa mus rau, los sis qhov kev lees paub los
sis cov lus qhia, tej lub koom haum los sis lub koom haum cov kev pab cuam.
Hay recursos disponibles para ayudarle a gestionar sus deudas. Las siguientes instituciones de Minnesota
ofrecen servicios de asesoramiento sobre deudas y crédito. El Departamento de Comercio no controla
ni garantiza ninguno de los servicios prestados por estas instituciones. La presentación de esta lista no
constituye una remisión, aprobación o recomendación de ninguna institución ni de sus servicios.
Có một số nguồn lực giúp quý vị quản lý khoản nợ của mình. Các tổ chức sau đây của Minnesota cung
cấp dịch vụ tư vấn đối với các khoản nợ và tín dụng. Cơ Quan Thương Mại không kiểm soát hoặc đảm
bảo bất kỳ dịch vụ nào do các tổ chức này cung cấp. Việc cung cấp danh sách này không phải hoạt
động giới thiệu, chứng thực hoặc khuyến nghị cho bất kỳ tổ chức nào hoặc các dịch vụ của tổ chức đó.
LSS Financial Counseling Service: Multiple Minnesota Locations | Phone: 888-577-2227 | www.lssmn.org/financialcounseling
Consumer Credit of Minnesota: 5871 Cedar Lake Rd S, #105, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 | Phone: 952-544-6800 | www.ccofminnesota.org
Family Means Financial Solutions: 1875 Northwestern Avenue South, Stillwater, MN 55082 | Phone: 651-439-4840 | 800-327-3203 | www.familymeans.org/financial-solutions
If you live in Nevada (Medical accounts only): If you pay or agree to pay the debt or any portion of the debt, the payment or agreement to pay may be construed as: (1) an acknowledgement of the debt by the consumer; and (2) a waiver by you of any applicable statute of limitations set forth in NRS 11.190 that otherwise precludes the collection of the debt. If you do not understand or have questions concerning your legal rights or obligations relating to the debt, you should seek legal advice.
If you live in New York: We are required by regulation of the New York State Department of Financial Services to notify you of the following information. This information is NOT legal advice. Debt collectors, in accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1692 et seq., are prohibited from engaging in abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection efforts, including but not limited to:
- the use or threat of violence;
- use of obscene or profane language; and
- repeated phone calls made with the intent to annoy, abuse, or harass.
If a creditor or debt collector receives a money judgment against you in court, state and federal laws may prevent the following types of income from being taken to pay the debt:
- Supplemental security income, (SSI);
- Social security;
- Public assistance (welfare);
- Spousal support, maintenance (alimony) or child support;
- Unemployment benefits;
- Disability benefits;
- Workers’ compensation benefits;
- Public or private pensions;
- Veterans’ benefits;
- Federal student loans, federal student grants, and federal work study funds; and
- Ninety percent of your wages or salary earned in the last sixty days.
You may request any disclosure or letter in an alternative, reasonably accommodatable format selected by the debt collector such as large print, braille, audio compact disc, or other means. Such request can be made by calling (866) 477-9018.
If you live in New York City: This collection agency is licensed by New York City Department of Consumer Affairs License # DCA-2059272 and DCA-2030584. You may call Shannon David at (888) 417-1531 during normal business hours. The name of the current creditor and the originating creditor for this debt is set forth on our letters.
Please let us know your language preference. However, we do not offer any language access services or translate communications into a language other than English. A translation and description of commonly-used debt collection terms is available in multiple languages on the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs’ website: www.nyc.gov/dca.
If you live in North Carolina: Our North Carolina Permit Number is 516770919.
If you live in Oregon: If the current creditor is Cascade Capital, LLC, its license number is 1371506. If the current creditor is Cascade Capital Funding, LLC, its license number is 1797992.
If you live in Tennessee: This collection agency is licensed by the Tennessee Collection Services Board, State Department of Commerce and Insurance.
If you live in Washington (Medical accounts only): Upon receipt of this notice, you have the right to: (1) request the original account number or redacted original account number assigned to the debt, (2) request the date of the last payment, (3) request an itemization containing specified information including the name and address of the medical creditor, the date, dates or date range of service and the health care services provided as indicated by the provider in a statement to the licensee. You may also be eligible for charity care from the hospital. During the processing of an application for charity care or an appeal from a final determination of charity care, we will refrain from attempting to collect this debt once notified.
If you live in Washington, D.C.: If your debt has not been reduced to a judgment by a court, you have the right to request the following information concerning your debt:
(1) The name of the original creditor, and the names of any other owners of your debt, including the current owner;
(2) Your last account number with the original creditor;
(3) A copy of the signed contract, application, or other documents which show your obligations;
(4) The date your debt was incurred;
(5) The date of your last payment, if applicable; and
(6) An itemized accounting of the alleged debt, including the amount any principal, interest, fees, or charges, and whether the charges were imposed by the original creditor, a debt collector, or other owner of the debt. For credit card or revolving credit accounts, the itemized accounting is measured from the charge-off balance.
If your debt has been reduced to a judgment by a court, you have a right to a copy of the judgment, documentation establishing that the debt collector is the owner of the judgment, and an itemized accounting of the current balance due on the judgment.
You may request the above information by contacting us by phone, mail, or email at the following:
Address: 4636 E University Drive, Suite 110, Phoenix, AZ 85034
Phone: (888) 417-1531
E-mail Address: requests@cascadehelps.com
You might have income or resources that are protected from being taken by debt collectors. These might include certain sources of income, funds, or property, including, but not limited to, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), disability or unemployment benefits, veteran’s benefits, or child support payments. If you believe you property or income may be protected, you may wish to seek legal advice, including at a legal services provider or legal aid office, before paying this debt.
Si su deuda no ha sido reducida a un juicio por un tribunal, tiene derecho a solicitar la siguiente información relacionada con su deuda:
(1) El nombre del acreedor original, y el nombre de cualquier otro propietario de su deuda, incluyendo el propietario actual;
(2) Su último número de cuenta con el acreedor original;
(3) Una copia del contrato firmado, la solicitud u otros documentos que muestren sus obligaciones;
(4) La fecha en que se incurrió su deuda;
(5) La fecha de su último pago, si corresponde; y
(6) Una contabilidad detallada de la supuesta deuda, incluyendo el monto del capital, los intereses, las tarifas o los cargos, y si los cargos fueron impuestos por el acreedor original, un cobrador de deudas o cualquier otro propietario de la deuda. Para cuentas de tarjeta de crédito o crédito revolvente, la contabilidad detallada se mide desde el saldo de la carga.
Si su deuda ha sido reducida a un juicio por un tribunal, tiene derecho a una copia del juicio, la documentación que establezca que el cobrador de deudas es propietario del juicio y una contabilidad detallada del saldo actual adeudado en el juicio.
Puede solicitar la información anterior contactándonos por teléfono, correo o correo electrónico en lo siguiente:
Dirección: 4636 E University Drive, Suite 110, Phoenix, AZ 85034
Teléfono: (888) 417-1531
Dirección de correo electrónico: requests@cascadehelps.com
Es posible que tenga ingresos o recursos que estén protegidos contra la acción de los cobradores de deudas. Estos pueden incluir ciertas fuentes de ingresos, fondos o propiedades, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, Seguridad Social, Ingreso Suplementario de Seguridad (SSI), beneficios de discapacidad o desempleo, beneficios para veteranos o pagos de manutención infantil. Si cree que su propiedad o ingresos pueden estar protegidos, puede buscar asesoramiento legal, incluso en un proveedor de servicios legales o una oficina de ayuda legal, antes de pagar esta deuda.
If you live in Wisconsin: This collection agency is licensed by the Division of Banking in the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions, www.wdfi.org.